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PhlatFeeder/Micro Pizza and Shotgun Build - 12/2/09

Discussion in 'PhlatLAB LIVE shows' started by kram242, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    In this weeks show, Andy the Aviator (Glen) comes over and cuts and builds the Mini Pizza Box Flyer and the Mini Shotgun for an intense combat in the Phlat Lab which unfortunately didn't happen due to a premature broken prop. From there, we built and tested the first prototype of The Phlat Feeder which was designed to make Kit cutting easier. It works much like a paper feeder on a bottom loader ink jet printer. It's very close to working well. Needs tweaking but not bad for a first prototype. Thanks for watching
    You can download the micro Shotgun and Pizza box designs from Evil-Tunes Here:

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  2. kyyu

    kyyu Active Member

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    I couldn't help thinking about this paper feeder, all last night. Seems a big problem is the variable delay when the feeding sheet is trying to catch, assuming it always eventually works. That would basically cause missed steps in the x direction. I've looked at loops before when fozzy bought out the Manglerizer. Almost got it working, but it doesn't like the IF statement to get out of the loop. Also, I just learned there is a method of writing a subroutine, which seems to work. That instead of jumping to a particular line, you jump to a whole subroutine. That might be the way to go, instead of making the x boundry like 5X the length. One idea was possibly a limit switch, right in front of and above the two front roller. So the finished piece falling off would hit it, and rezero the x axis. Possibly, it could just be a infinite loop. And if the limit switch is not hit, then it would just stop because there is no more sheets. I wonder if better scripting is possible in mach3?


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