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QSC QuadCopter Is Here!

Discussion in 'Multi-copter/Helicopter Plans' started by Crash, May 15, 2011.

  1. Crash

    Crash Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Waco, Texas, USA
    After something like a BAZILLION requests, I am pleased to announce that I have everything together now for the QSC QuadCopter!

    I have stayed true to my "QSC model" with yet another Quick-building, Simple Design that is easy on the wallet (Cheap!). This model set me back a whopping $9, and after the parts were cut out (only 7 Lite Ply pieces) , it only took about 15 minutes to assemble. I am using 1/8" Lite Ply on this build and I have opted to use one 1/2" x 36" square dowel for the booms. This will yield me a 16.5" width motor-to-motor span-wise and will be perfect for the light-weight equipment that I like to use.

    Please keep in mind that you can use whatever you like for boom material. While I used hardwood, you can easily substitute carbon fiber or aluminum if you should so desire, though that will add some additional cost to the project. You may note from the photos I've included that I am using nuts and bolts to hold the top and bottom plates to the booms. I used some 4-40 hardware that I had laying around, but you can just as easily epoxy your airframe together if you wish.

    Another thing that you can pick out from the photos is that I am using some pool noodle foam for my landing gear (obtained from my local Walmart for only $4). You can feel free to use whatever you like for landing gear, but I have grown to like this stuff for it's shock absorbing qualities and since I had it in the shop from a previous project, I decided to use it again. One thing to note, though - I really think that it would be a good idea to put in a little rectangle of 1/8" ply in the hole of each "donut" before zip-tying it in place. The zip-ties can cut into the foam after a while causing you to lose the landing gear in flight. Ask me how I know this. LoL Even though this little quad may look a bit porky, what you see in the pictures is only 5.25 ounces!

    When I came up with this simple design, I made certain that the center section had just enough size to allow you to mount just about any Flight Stabilization System on top, both in the "x" or "+" configuration, depending on how you want to set your machine up. Let me also say that our QSC Interconnect Board FSS fits quite nicely in both configurations. :)

    In my file package I have included the pictures below, a PDF template page you can print out on your home printer, and even my SketchUp files in case you want to cut the parts out on your PhlatPrinter CNC machine! A quick note on the PDF Templates document - be certain that you set Page Scaling to NONE in your print dialogue box, otherwise they will not print out to the proper scale. As for the SketchUp files, they are set up for the use of a 1/16" bit, 30 IPM, 0.035" cuts per pass (4 passes), and Overhead Gantry. You'll need to create your own PhlatCode to suit your needs. :D

    Well, there you have it! Everything you need to build your own QSC QuadCopter is now on here and on my website (www.AllThingsCrash.com), so get starting building already!!! Attached files [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] QSC Quad.zip (2.3 MB)Â
  2. Crash

    Crash Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Waco, Texas, USA
    I guess that I should say that this thing is no way near as cool as what Mark has come up with. But please keep in mind that I needed to design something that would work well, but still be able to be cut by hand by our listeners that do not yet own PhlatPrinters. I just hate to NOT share the things that I cut out on my Phlatty with the rest of the folks here. :D
  3. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    :doubleup: Mike this rocks! :banger:
    Love the simplicity of it. As much as I crash mine I need a quick rebuild. The pool noodles are an awesome idea for a bumper! Great job Mike and think you for sharing. Just downloaded mine :D
    Mark and Trish
  4. rcflyboynj

    rcflyboynj Member

    Trophy Points:
    Somewhere in Kansas.....
    LOL.... I must be ahead of the game on this one! (with a razor saw and x acto..... :sigh: ) Great for the 4 Blue wonders I had set aside for the tri! :smart: lol

    As always... Happy Hovers.

    None of the ideas expressed above are actually mine. They are told to me by Luthor and Ferdinand, the five inch tall space aliens who live under my desk. In return for these ideas, I have given them permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find under there. :questions: Attached files [​IMG]
  5. ToxicToast

    ToxicToast Down in the weeds. Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Roseville, CA
    I've been wanting to get into multirotor for quite some time and have been targeting the June time frame for when I could get the resources together and take the plunge. For once, I am right on schedule! Listening to Crash's podcast finally provided me the motivation to jump in.

    Like many of you, I'm not quite happy about just buying a ready-to-fly plane in most circumstances. I enjoy the challenges of building something of my own. There's something about a degree of ownership and satisfaction when you've got some sweat equity invested in our toys. Unfortunately, the balance is that personal time to make that investment can really be a premium. I'm pleased to say that this little project went from a blank board a week ago to a ready to fly airframe today.

    Mike and John have made it easy to make the plunge for a first time builder. I have minimal experience with PCBs and very little working with controller programming. That being said, just like M&T has made CNC accessible to those of us with no experience other than curiosity, the QSC Interconnect board has made it possible to learn a lot about flight stabilization systems without having to need a EE degree!





    More to follow...

    Thanks to Crash and J Bernard for a great intro this aspect of the hobby! Attached files [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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