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Wierd Mach 3 Problem

Discussion in 'Mach3' started by Klondar, May 30, 2009.

  1. Klondar

    Klondar Member

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    Ok, I'm finally getting my PP ready to run, and started some test jogs and now have a very wierd problem happening. When I use EMC everything jogs and moves arround quite nicely, However when I set things up in Mach, Only the Y axis arms and jogs. X and Z don't even lock up. I have checked and re-checked the pinout setting and I set both programs up identically yet one works and the other dosn't.

    Any Ideas?

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Klondar, It must be something in Mach that's not right. Have you re-checked your Ports-n-Pins settings?
    How about your Motor Home / Soft Limits settings?
    Maybe your System Hotkeys are turned off? Attached files [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. kram242

    kram242 Administrator Staff Member

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    Try hitting the tab key as well to set your jog settings.
    This is a strange error. If your motors do not lock up when you turn power on to the board there is something else wrong.
    Can you tell us more about the motors not locking up?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

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    I wonder if the pin assignments are different for EMC than they are in Mach.
    Are you using the same parallel cable? Did something change with the connections?
    If you switch back to EMC do they still work? If not, a couple motor wires have become disconnected somehow.
  5. Klondar

    Klondar Member

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    For now I have Abandoned the idea of using Mach, I have EMC running like a champ. It took a bit more fiddling and I need to learn more but for now I can do what I need to, and with a bit of reading/learning I may even get it to do more.

    As for Mach, Because I like the PhlatScreen layout, I will someday try it again, But not sure I can go an evening right not with out a fix of blue dust.... so for now I have to wait till the newness fades, then I'll install my limit/home switches, and give Mach another try.

    When I tried it last, It was as described, The X and Z steppers did not lockup and could be turned with the board on. The Y however Locked Solid and could be jogged flawlessly. I fiddled with ports and pins, but had not looked at limits and some of Dorsal's suggestions so they will be my starting point.

    I'm using a board I got off of EBay from China That I am quite impressed with. It is This http://cgi.ebay.com/new-version-4-Axis-Stepper-Motor-TA8435H-driver-board_W0QQitemZ110397306216QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item19b4313568&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262&_trkparms=|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A30 Board, (Note: it is the new version, others are selling the older version that requires a seperate PS's for the board and motors that are trouble prone.) In addition to the 4th axis it also has a built in relay and an expansion port for a 5th axis if needed, and built in port to power a 12v fan for the heatsink. Once I worked through the calibration settings in EMC for my Belt drive, It is rock solid and giving me 500+ on X about 450 on Y and my Z gets between 50-60 using my 3/8-12 Acme. There is the fact that the motor current is not adjustable, but so far I have seen no need to make any. This May be another option for those wanting a lower cost solution. BTW: Contrary to the photo, it does come with a large heat sink.

  6. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    Too bad mine didn't have a fun port :lol:
    Too funny!
  7. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    The board is also 1.8A max. Too bad. :( :(
  8. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    Now that I got my motherboard replaced I tried to get the machine to run. I didn't get anything going in EMC so I'm trying Mach3 and have lots of problem there too.

    I can jog the x and z but not the y. It may be the breakout board but I have no way of testing it.

    I can jog only in one direction. It doesn't matter if I click on the x+ or x-, it always runs in the same direction. I tried, just for the heck of it, to change the direction according to the Mach3 help as it shows here
    and it still run in the same direction, it didn't run in the other one. Thank goodness I didn't have the allthread connected. I'm that close to throw the whole thing into the ocean. :x
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

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    Yoram, if the motor goes in only one direction, it must be because you have that motor connected incorrectly to the controller board. OR you have the pin assignments in Mach set incorrectly.
    I would suggest you go back to the instructions for connecting the motors and double-check every wire-color combination, from the motors to the controller board. Further, I'd suggest you remove the wires from the connector blocks and then re-install them also, as it sounds like at least one of the wires from the Z motor is not making contact. Did you tug on the wires after tightening the connector screws?
    I understand the frustration, but if you step back and take your time to re-check every step forward, you'll probably find some silly mistake you'll be embarrassed to tell others about.

    (Now, how would I know that?) :oops:
  10. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    The problem is, Dennis, it's not the z axis only, it's on all the axis'.

    If I'd had the wire to the motor connected wrong, the motor would have not run in any direction. The fact that it runs in one direction means that I connected the motor correctly. I've checked all the setting if they are like in the instructions and they are the same.

    I should also mention that the breakout board has x, y and z written on it yet the y and the z are switched. I understand now why the guy sold it on ebay. He too must have been frustrated and just gave up on it. I'm the one who ended up holding the short end of the stick. :(
  11. Klondar

    Klondar Member

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    sound like you have the step and direction pins swapped. on the cnc forums, the motor running in only one direction is a symptom. If you post info about your connections from your breakout to your controller and the ports/pins setting we likly can help get if figured out.

  12. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    I have this system. http://cgi.ebay.com/5-AXIS-CNC-DRIVER-B ... |294%3A200
    As you can see, the connection between the breakout board and the driver is with a supplied cable. Not much I can change there. The pin and port numbers I use are the one that are default in Mach3. X step is pin 2 and the x direction is pin 6. I tried, for the direction, all the pins from 3 to 9 with no difference. I don't have the schematic for the breakout board so that I can't tell which pin is what on the board.

    BTW, not only for the above problem, but Don't buy this Univelop board. When I bought it I wrote the guy that the unit overheats and he never answered me. I have put huge heat-sinks on the driver in the hope that it will run cooler.
  13. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    I found on cnczone a thread of someone having problem with these boards too. Pminmo posted the pin configuration for these boards and I did as he posted and now it runs in both direction. Hallelujah, I will not have to go the one minute to the beach to dump it in the ocean. :D

    In the same thread I read a post saying that the board is rated 1.8A and not 2.5A. I took a closer look at the chip and found it to be this one. http://cgi.ebay.com/TOSHIBA-TA8435H-Ste ... |294%3A200. No wonder it gets hot like hell. It is rated 1.5A.
  14. Klondar

    Klondar Member

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    Glad to here you have it running, The TA8435's 1.5 amp rating is W/O a heat sink. My board uses the same chip and with the heat sync it get warm but there is still plenty of room for it to disapate more, And if I need to drive it harder I can add a fan. The 2.5 rating is likly the maximum fully synced and cooled (real world, not spec) Mine runs just fine with the stock motors, So far not I have no need for bigger motors, but If I did I'm sure I could pull the current I need with an added fan. None of this excuses poor customer service and support. So for that reason alone I'd avoide that board.
  15. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

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    First, I got the y and z axis' to run fine but not the x. So I started switching connectors around. When the y board is in the x outlet on the breakout it runs fine but when the x board is connected there or anywhere else, it runs only in one direction. Which means, it's the board that is the problem and not the setting in Mach3.

    Klondar, I use other steppers. Mine are 258oz/in. They are rated at about 2.25A. With the puny heatsink that came with the board, just sitting idle the chips got too hot to touch. As I've said, I've put huge heatsinks and they get warm. I'll take a picture if I ever get the problem with the x axis solved. I might go for a easy-cnc board, just to get away form this sick baby and get my machine finally running.
  16. 3DMON

    3DMON Moderator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sebastian, Florida
    Hey Yoram,
    If you do want to go the Easy cnc route the seller autohec sells them on Ebay for a good deal. Sometimes you have to wait for him to post the lower price though.
  17. TigerPilot

    TigerPilot Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    yeah, I saw it, 3DMON. Something like $125 shipping included compare to his website where it is $150.

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